
I think that I need a blog to place my thoughts and design works in Second Life. So I opened one: "Moonlight Shadow in Second Life".
Now I have restarted my SL shop, a small gallery.
It's here: [::Moonlight Shadow::] Art & Designer house
And SL Marketplace: [::Moonlight Shadow::] Art & Designer house

I'm back to Second Life. Welcome and glad to see all friends again. :)

我想我需要一個部落格,來寫些在SL的想法以及設計作品,所以我開了這一個網誌:Moonlight Shadow(月之光影) in Second Life。
在這裡: [::Moonlight Shadow::] Art & Designer house
以及SL Marketplace: [::Moonlight Shadow::] Art & Designer house

我回到Second Life了,很歡迎也很高興再一次見到所有的朋友。 :)

